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Gonsalves Vs. Grandfield
Breaking News

Due to major trash talking and disputes there seems to be only one conclusion... a swimming race between Sgt. Len Grandfield and Lt. Jose Gonsalves. The 4-lap test of strength and determination will take place next Saturday after the weekly basketball festivities. It is shaping up to be the main event for the day as basketball is becoming irrelevant. Sgt. Grandfield is the heavy favorite amongst his fellow blacktop posse, and Gonsalves seems to be the huge underdog. Grandfield is the self proclaimed best swimmer in his troop, while Gonsalves has been spending too much time swimming in the swamps of East Freetown, and may have trouble adapting to a backyard pool.

NOTE: Webbed hands and feet will NOT be taken into account for the race!

Gonsalves Gets Ready
Jose Gonsalves practicing for the big event on Saturday. Being the heavy favorite, Grandfield feels he is in prime condition and skipped his first scheduled practice session.
  Experience Over Youth?!
Is it possible? A team with over 131 years of experience on the court at the same time? And on top of that it was a 3 MAN TEAM!! No this was not a charity wheelchair game. This is the Blacktop League. Even former Apponequet Math team member Brock Morrissette could not make sense of the numbers. Not to mention there was 109 years between just two team members. You would think this battered group would barely even be able to make it onto the court, but wrong again. Jose Gonsalves, and Rick Jalbert (and yes Mark Gonsalves who really played a small role) hustled the youngn's of the de Silva court playing them for fools. They compiled an amazing 12 - 0 record this past wednesday night, sending Kurtis Gonsalves' winning percentage down considerably. Yes, Kurt lost all 12 games and went home a loser. The names of the other losing participants will not be released to spare them the embarrassment. What is next for these three might you ask? I say they have earned their right to a title shot and a match against the infamous "Band of Brothers."

de Silva Blacktop Trophy Awarded
The de Silva blactop league trophy for the year 2001 was awarded this past saturday with the presentation by Len Grandfield and Steve Blanchette.

The awards are as follows:

Most Valuble Player: Jose Gonsalves

Most Points Scored: Len Grandfield

Highest Winning Percentage: Curtis Gonsalves

Most Physically Fit: Steve Roberge

Most Popular: Cliff Furtado

Rookie of the Year: K.C. Grandfield

3 on 3 Champions: THE BAND OF BROTHERS Norm de Silva, Paulo DaSilva, Steve Roberge

Gonsalves Flips at Summer League Game
What started out as a family event at a nearby park with a basketball court, quickly turned into a disgusting display of rage on the behalf of one upset participant. An outdoor summer league held at a park in Fall River, was having it's usual night of games. The atmosphere was very peacful and playful with a nearby jungle gym and swing set occupied by youngsters and their parents. The scene turned ugly fast, when kurtis Gonsalves believed he was fouled by an opposing player. What seemed to be a touch foul let go by the official, pushed kurtis over the edge. In disbelief of the "no call" Gonsalves went on a rampage. Dropping "f bombs" left and right while flailing his arms in anger caused parents to cover the innocent ears of their scared children. In a desperate attempt to gain even more attention, Gonsalves pulled one of the lowest moves yet to date of a blacktop member, bringing back memories of a young Mike Croteau bashing Gaffney's head off of the brick steps at Parker Drive. kurtis grabbed a ball on the side of the court and proceeded to punt the ball at a pregnant woman on the sideline!! The ball went into the woods and the children went running. Gonsalves was thrown out of the game, and has not been seen since. If he shows this weekend at The Blacktop League make sure to leave your loved ones at home

Rick Jalbert's "Ghetto Shorts" Banned!
Rick Jalbert claims that due to his lack of Dartmouth Basketball and de Silva league attire, he is forced to wear a pair of shorts that look like he could have robbed a bank in them (the players claim they do not feel safe when Jalbert shows up in the shorts). Commisioner Norm de Silva had no choice but to issue Jalbert a new pair of Dartmouth Basketball shorts and made the statement that if Rick ever wears the shorts to play again, he will be banned from play for that week, no questions asked.

Gilchrist Sends Message to Blanchette
It was short and to the point. He showed up late and still asleep as always. Cullen Gilchrist was not going to put up with any sort of "POWER DRIBBLE", or any other nonsense from Steve "The Gardener" Blanchette this week. As Blanchette attempted to go for a rebound this saturday, Cullen flew through the air with nothing but the intent to inflict serious pain. Steve went down hard and off of the court. With other players in awe, Gilchrist showed no sense of remorse for what he did, or show any respect for a man old enough to be his father. Cullen did not need to speak any words for his brutal message to be sent. And he wonders why the officials are all just "out to get him